
Wednesday, 24 February 2016

A Minimalist Beauty Basket

Bonjour ladies! This is a quick hello to present my beauty basket to you. Rummaging through my camera I found this series of photos of my minimalist beauty products which I took last April.

From the pictures you can tell that Clarins has won my heart. I am very familiar with this excellent brand of cosmetics. I must say that it's a love story that has lasted since I was eighteen, when I was a student in the country of Shakespeare.

However, some of these products, once finished, have been replaced by others. Maybe you still remember my product reviews - Elona snail cream, Chanel No 5 which replaced Diva by Ungaro... Elixir serum by Caudalie (the post is coming out soon).

It is obvious that I have clearly come out of my comfort zone. I do believe this is partly thanks to blogging... I am more willing to try new things and it has been a beneficial experience for me.

What about you? Are you faithful to a brand? Would you like to share a wonderful new discovery?

I wish you a fabulous Wednesday.


  1. Coucou ma belle, ton panier beauté est vraiment minimaliste. J'aime bien les gel douche Roger Gallet en particulier, l'odeur est très agréable. Moi, je suis totalement accro aux produits Lancôme, depuis qu'une amie m'a introduit cette marque de luxe. XXX Chantal

    1. Salut Chantal, c'est vrai que leurs gels douche sentent bon. J'enregistre ton avis pour Lancôme. Bonne soirée.

  2. Finally enough, my 1st place badge also goes to Clarins :) Their products are so nourishing whilst still being luxurious, I love the brand!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice


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