
Monday, 23 January 2017

Black Love by Dominique Noguez (1997)

“I had never looked at her eyes so closely before. They were of a dark brown, almost as dark as the pupils. I could not write that I looked into the depth of the eyes, because those eyes had no depth. They were only a black, desperately opaque surface, inhuman eyes, of a bird of prey or a lynx, with the hardness of marble or a meteorite, eyes which looked at me but did not see me, which did not love me, which would never love me, which neither love nor would ever love anybody, eyes from another world.”

Author: Dominique Noguez was born on September 12, 1942 in Bolbec. He is a French writer. He has been awarded several literary prizes: 
1995: Roger Nimier prize for "Les Martagons"
1997: Femina prize for "Amour noir" (the subject book)
2013: Jean-Jacques Rousseau prize for "Une année qui commence bien"

My thoughts: I remember as if it was yesterday how I was absorbed by reading this book. I could not put it down and in the early hours of the morning I had devoured it. It is a story of passion and unrequited love. It traces the tormented life of a man fighting for the woman he loves. He hopes to see his love reciprocated... This story takes place in Biarritz, in the French Basque Country. While writing these lines and flipping through this book again I was smitten by a terrible desire to re-read it. If you enjoy (dramatic) love stories, you will adore this novel.


  1. Coucou ma jolie ! Ça me plairait de lire cette histoire. Merci beaucoup pour ta suggestion de lecture. Gros bisous. <333

    1. Merci Chantal ! Oui, il est très bien écrit et absorbant donc j'espère que tu l'apprécieras ! Bises.

    2. Je viens juste de terminer la lecture - quelle histoire d'amour, aussi belle qu'impossible. Merci encore pour cette belle suggestion. Xxx

  2. This sounds intriguing. Thanks for the review. This is one book I'll look out for.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing about this book.

  4. You make this sound so appealing.

    On the surface the book is not my cup of tea. With that, a great book is a great book.

    1. Thanks Brian!  Knowing your literary tastes, I know it's not your cup of tea. :)

  5. Não conhecia este autor francês, mas este livro deve ser bem interessante.
    Um abraço e boa semana.
    Andarilhar || Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa || Livros-Autografados

    1. É um escritor pouco conhecido, até mesmo na França, seu país natal. Isto dito, escreveu este lindo livro premiado que conquistou a minha estante. Um abraço e boa semana.

  6. Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

  7. It looks a beautiful and romantic story....Have a nice day, kisses,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

  8. I felt your passion for the book as I read your review!

  9. the para you shared has hold me in deep through it's flow of thoughts .
    writer is successful to have is reader under the spell .

    these books come to my country as secondhand books after some long and this one i would be looking for .
    thank you for sharing friend!

    1. Oh really?? Well Baili, I hope you can find the hard copy of this book.

  10. I should certainly add this one to my reading list, judging by your review. Not an author I have heard of at all, so thanks for the recommendation.

    1. Thanks Cresta Bear! He is a little known writer, even in France, his native country. That said, he wrote this beautiful award-winning book that conquered my bookshelf.

  11. I love this book summary. I have the feeling that "Black Love" is a poignant love story.

    1. Yes, it’s poignant! Very well written and absorbing book and the characters are interesting! But I’m conscious this is not to everyone’s taste!

  12. Não conhecia esse autor. Deve ser um romance muito bom.
    Beijos e boa semana!
    Ontem passei aqui mais meu comentário não entrou.

  13. I was Biarritz in Sept. so I should check this novel out. I enjoyed the seaside town.

    1. Yes, I remember very well, Susan!! I love the Basque Country, where I used to spend summer holidays with my relatives.

  14. It sounds terribly dark and captivating at the same time.

  15. É vero, de tudo que é doce, de tudo que é bom, tens que reservar-te teu pedaço, porque haverão de deseja-lo todo! Anotada essa receita de teu “Bolo de Novembro”, rsrsr. Um chazinho não pode passar sem sabores assim, sem poesia do momento ou um momento de poesia, e sem uma loucura minha: deveria cair uma leve chuva, nos nossos chás da tarde, olhando o campo pela janela. Saudades daqui, é delicioso esse blogue. Un bacio

    1. Ciao Marco Lucca :) Que linda mensagem você deixou. Muito obrigada :) Un bacio. 

  16. Parece-me uma belíssima sugestão de leitura!
    Confesso que não conhecia o autor!... Para prestar atenção futuramente!...

    1. Este autor é pouco conhecido mas achei - como muitos leitores - que o livro é excelente. Beijinhos!


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