
Monday, 5 June 2017

Tulip Festival in Morges

Since the beginning of spring, the parks are covered in beautiful flowers and we all rush to the green spaces of the city. It is normal to see bankers and students during lunchtime picnicking, reading or simply relaxing on a busy weekday.

Walks at this time of the year are incredible in this country. In mid-May, I was in Morges (29 minutes by train from Geneva), a small, cute and agreeable town on the edge of Lake Geneva. After a short stroll around the town centre, I made my way to the Parc de l'Indépendance to visit the “Fête de la Tulipe”.

View of Temple de Morges from the Grand-Rue. A protestant temple from the 14th century

Grand-Rue - Morges’s charming main street with plenty of shops, restaurants and fountains and a Museum

Musée Alexis Forel - Founded in 1918, the museum is located in a historic house. You can see permanent collections and temporary exhibitions. Among the permanent collections, more than 150 dolls, Russian icons and paintings…

La Boîte à Thé - A beautiful and very nice tea-room and tea shop

Tea for the best mum, for Mother’s Day on May 14th

Located between the Château de Morges, Lake Geneva and La Morges river, the Parc de l'Indépendance is home to 51 species of trees and plants (including chestnut trees, tulips, giant sequoias...).

Once a year (April to mid-May) “La Fête de la Tulipe” takes place. Morges becomes the capital of the tulip by exhibiting an array of tulips, narcissi and hyacinths. In an area of over 30,000 square meters, more than 120,000 bulbs allow us to discover more than 380 different varieties of tulip belonging to the various species (I give you their names in French: simple, double, triomphe, frangée, viridiflora, perroquet, hybrides et pluriflore).

I leave you with my photo album of that day, when I spent a lovely moment...

Tulipe frangée, Cummins

Séquoia géant, Sierra Nevada en Californie

Tulipe triomphe, Rosalie

Tulipe simple tardive, Café Noir

Monument des Patriotes Vaudois

Pin pleureur de l’Himalaya

Tulipe triomphe, Cheers

Kiosque à Musique

Marronnier rouge

Château de Morges - Built in 1286 by Louis de Savoie, the castle of Morges now houses several museums

Quai du Mont-Blanc - A very pleasant walk with views on the small port of sailing boats and the Morges castle…

Quai Lochmann - A magnificent walk on the shores of Lake Geneva, there are many beautiful residences…

View of the Temple de Morges from the Quai Lochmann


  1. Such beautiful photos of a beautiful place. Love the Tulipe frangée, I've never seen anything like it before. We have a tulip festival too, but I've never been. I really should make an effort this year.

    1. Thank you Arthur! Morges is indeed a charming place!
      This is the first time I see Fringed Tulip, I did not know it existed. It's great that you also have a tulip festival.

  2. Espero ver muitas nos dias em que estiver na Holanda em Julho.
    Boa semana

    1. Pedro, que pena você não poder ir ao Keukenhof (Jardim das Tulipas, o mais lindo parque de tulipas do mundo) a temporada do Keukenhof começou em meados de Março e terminou meados de Maio. Boa semana

  3. What a fabulous flower festival. Glad you had a lovely time. You captured stunning images of tulips. I like Tulip Cafe Noir, a rich, deep purple tulip, so sophisticated!!
    I have never been to Morges, I'm definitely going to visit this nice town next weekend. :D

    1. We are alike, Rebecca! My favourite is also the Queen of the Night Tulip, I love its stunning dark purple colour which almost appears black.
      How wonderful that you get to visit Morges next weekend as I think you'd love it!

  4. Bonjour ma belle ! Wahou c'est vraiment intéressant et assez spectaculaire! J'adorerais visiter un jour la fête de la Tulipe à Morges!
    Gros bisous, Chantal <3

    1. Salut Chantal! Toute la visite a été si éducative, je pense que j'ai beaucoup appris sur les tulipes dans un très court laps de temps. Bises :)

  5. So beautiful! Those black tulips are simply amazing.

    1. Hello Angie! The purple tulips which almost appears black are indeed amazing  :)

  6. Gorgeous tulip photos! The town looks very idyllic, too. You must have had a splendid day out.

    1. Thank you Cresta Bear! Yes, I had a splendid day there :)

  7. These pictures are wonderful.

    We also have had superb weather here in New York. My wife, my friends and myself have been enjoying the weather too. We also frequent gardens, trails, towns, shops, etc. I wish it were like this all year round.

    Have a great week.

    1. It's great Brian! It looks like you've entered the summer in fun spirit... New York in the summer is fabulous. It's been a long time since I went to NY...
      Have a fantastic week. Here, we are enjoying a bank holiday weekend :)

  8. Gorgeous photos! Tulips are possibly my very favorite flowers; I just love how they look and their movement. : ) Your excursions are always a treat. That tea shop...I can practically smell the fragrance.

    1. Thank you Monica! Yes, I remember that tulips are your favourite flowers. This tea-room is out of the ordinary, there reigns an agreeable and relaxed atmosphere - you would surely love it!

  9. Jardins e paisagens espectaculares e as tulipas são lindíssimas.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Olá Francisco, estas tulipas são de facto lindíssimas.
      Um abraço e boa semana.

  10. I never saw that many tulips in real life :-) Such a wonderful photos, I have to visit this city one day :-)

    1. Thank you Alice! They're beautiful, aren't they?

  11. The tulips are gorgeous! Your shots would make a perfect calendar. Thanks for the tour -- Morges seems a nice town to visit.

    1. Thank you Susan! You are far too kind! Have a safe trip :)

  12. What a great collection of pictures! Have a good week! xx

  13. I love this, it's brilliant. The scenery is so breathtaking! Looks like a fabulous day out. Lol

  14. Beautiful photos! It looks like a lovely place to visit :) xx

  15. More beauty from my favorite blogger of beauty!

  16. Estou verdadeiramente encantada com este post!
    Cada imagem, mais bonita do que a outra!
    Grata por mais esta maravilhosa partilha!
    Um daqueles posts, para se apreciar ao pormenor!

    1. Muito obrigada Ana pelas suas palavras carinhosas. Beijinhos :)

  17. Très belles photos. Cette ville a vraiment l'air magnifique et très plaisante. Le château est particulièrement sublime :)


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