
Friday, 28 July 2017

Life Lately - Back to Basics

With the passing of time, I turn more and more towards a peaceful life, focused on nature and simple pleasures. A good homemade meal, a relaxing moment in a health spa, hiking in the mountains, reading a good book...

These moments really fill me with happiness and if I could stop the time so that they lasted longer, I would be an even happier bunny... 

That said when I go out in Geneva, I have a lot of fun, but in my mind, I cannot think of anywhere more exquisite than this secluded village somewhere in the Swiss Alps.

One thing I love about Heidi’s Country is that it is not as crowded and touristy as some major ski resorts; here there are only grocery shops and cafes. Most inhabitants are locals or second home owners who want to run away from the hustle and bustle of busy city life. Here, the watchword is quality of life.

You already know that I’m fan of champagne and I love that there’s always a bottle chilling in the fridge. I can’t think of a better way to start the weekend in style...

Having meals with an amazing view...

I love trying recipes from cookbooks from different cultures. This time I adapted a Moroccan Couscous Salad with a Lebanese Barbecue Chicken...I can tell you it tasted heavenly...

Despite trying to keep my size 36, there is quite frankly always room for little desserts. These were light, fruity and delicious.

The passion fruit mousse

The exotic fruit mousse

Even in the mountains, I never forego my homemade manicure and pedicure...hahaha…

After each meal, long walks in the mountains are our most enjoyable hobby...

Stunning views everywhere...

Improvised Sanctuary

As a girl who loves pretty dresses, each visit I choose one of my old summer dresses that has not had an outing from my wardrobe in a long while... It has been a while since I posted a “reader’s look”. I have been so busy and to be honest the cold winter weather was not much of a help.
...grazing cows and horses are part of the scenery...

The wild cat sometimes comes to say hello

Wild flowers everywhere and many splendid butterflies

Finally, I take this opportunity to let you know that the blog is going back to basics too.

I created this blog with the goal of sharing my passion for beautiful things, with family, friends and acquaintances who mostly live abroad. The other purpose was to record my memories and share my experiences with people who have the same interests. It has been both very exciting and very challenging.

Over time, the time spent on blog activities became something I resented in terms of its impact on my professional and private life. Therefore, I will stop certain blogging activities such as accepting and replying to comments, visiting other blog sites, replying to mails... I will simply update my blog twice a week.

I have really enjoyed being inspired by some bloggers and meeting “real life” readers living in Geneva and London was SO nice...

Lots of Love


  1. Visiting Blogs, answering comments, etc. can be very time consuming and I completely understand not having the time or energy to do so. I am glad to hear that you will still be posting. I will keep reading.

    Heidi’s Country looks wonderful. I hope to visit it someday.

  2. I'm with you on getting back to basics. The older I get the more I appreciate time in nature, a good wholesome meal and time with friends.

  3. What a beautiful blog post RT! You look so relaxed, beautiful and happy!
    It’s been a pleasure reading your blog and it’s honestly my favourite. You’ve put so much beauty, culture and love in each and every post and it really shines through. Have loved the book reviews and travel stories so much too, they were outstanding. Therefore, I will continue to follow TRT. I wish you wonderful holidays! Big hugs
    * Hope to see you in Berlin
    Rebecca, Xxx

  4. the views look gorgeous! and the food sounds delicious, of course (; what's on top of the passionfruit mousse next to the chocolate? it almost looks like a tomato with a tomatillo husk attached to it, but i bet it's not 😂

  5. Coucou ma belle !  For this last comment I wanted to write to you in the language of Oscar Wilde that you like so much. <3 Not sure if you’ll still check your comments, but I wanted to say that I have loved reading and following along, but admire your decision to focus only on your blog. I’m sure it is the right thing.
    I keep your contact information so we can see each other. Big kisses. Chantal <333

  6. This is such a beautiful post. I loved everything about it. Replying to comments and visiting other blogs takes up huge amounts of time, and I completely understand how you feel. There are times when I consider giving up blogging altogether, but I know I would miss my blogging friends from around the world but one of these days it will have to end just so that I can catch up with everything else. Thank you for sharing a little of your world with us all I for one really appreciate it. Barbara

  7. How marvellous!!! Ah, what a glorious spot! It's almost amazing how happy a blue sky a shiny sun and white clouds can make us, not to mention the breathtaking landscapes!! And the sparkling champagne - bubbles make things so lovely, don't you think?
    Also, I definitely understand the need to focus on you and your blog only from now on. After all, your first motivation was to exchange with your close circles!! I'll be regularly checking your updates. Happy holidays to you, dear Friend!!

  8. wow so beautiful !

    would you like to follow each other ? let me know


    Check out my ♥Instagram ,Bloglovin

    Stay Gold

  9. Heidi's Country is so beautiful and your summer dresses are so lovely!!
    I agree you will just only post.
    I reduced a number of my post and reading others blogs one year ago.
    I love your blog, so I'm looking forward to next post!


  10. I totally understand. It can be tiring and time consuming to visit blogs to exchange comments, etc., and when/if there's not a true connection, it doesn't feel right or fun. The way I look at it, if you don't get joy out of something or just don't want to do something anymore, it's good to make a change. Back to basics sounds good. : ) I'll look forward to continuing my visits here when I can because it's inspiring and lovely to see what you post.
    Like with this, I love how you stress quality of life and I love how you savor it, with all your pretty dresses and all. : ) Wishing you happiness and serenity. xo

  11. Hi dear.. this post is so lovely and the pics are so mesmerizing...xx

  12. Well I will continue to enjoy the beauty of your blog and just know that I am, even without my comments. Life is meant to be of one's making.

  13. So this will be my last chance to comment? In that case, let me say how much I enjoy reading you blog and, above all, admiring the lovely photos that you publish - this post was no exception. Keep up the good work. I shall continue to read your tales going forward.

  14. A felicidade mora na simplicidade e são vizinhas da qualidade de vida. Muito bem! Uma bebida leve, para os dias verão é um dos prazeres da vida! Eu gosto muito!
    Sabe, eu posto no máximo três vezes por mês e nem sempre. O tempo corre, há outros afazeres e blogar, eu gosto de fazer com calma. Visitar os amigos, ler as suas impressões, tem que ser com calma.
    Estarei sempre por aqui. Deixo muitos beijinhos e o desejo de uma ótima semana. Até breve...

  15. No início eu respondia a todos os comentários, no meu blog. Hoje eu respondo quando me fazem perguntas, mas diretamente no blog dos amigos. Mas visito a todos eles, gosto de ler e comentar. E percebo que a maioria faz assim.
    Eu também fiquei com a minha vida pessoal comprometida. Blogar, eu repito, deve ser uma atividade de prazer.
    Também coloquei moderação nos comentários do meu blog, porque caso eu esteja envolvida com outra atividade, posso ficar tranquila em relação aos comentários indevidos.

  16. As usual great post) Thanks for sharing!

  17. Beautiful photos! You look lovely :) xx

  18. Salut ma belle !
    J'ai adoré ton article les photos sont géniales ça sent vraiment l'été et en plus tu es sublime !!

  19. Beautiful places!

  20. Gorgeous views indeed! thanks for the tour around Heidi's Country.

  21. Mais um post absolutamente extraordinário, da primeira, à última foto!... Para apreciar e reapreciar... ao pormenor...
    E mesmo sem interacção na blogosfera... para mim... continuará a ser absolutamente obrigatório passar por aqui... :-D
    É um facto... administrar um blog ao pormenor, é bastante trabalhoso... e requer bastante tempo... também nos próximos meses, andarei a meio gás... como costumo fazer mais no Verão, pelo menos, todos os anos... senão a Net, consome-nos imensa disponibilidade!
    Peço imensa desculpa, por só agora ter passado por aqui... uns problemas de saúde com a minha mãe, têm absorvido muito do meu tempo, nas últimas semanas... nada de muito grave... apenas consequências de um pequeno acidente numa perna, que uma pequena escorregadela provocou... mas no caso dela... tudo tem de ser muito vigiado... devido à medicação que toma para o coração e para diluir o sangue (sempre incompatível, com a grande maioria de todos os demais medicamentos... para o que quer que seja)... o que me inviabiliza para já grandes deslocações... para que tenha sempre acompanhamento médico... em quaisquer circunstâncias... e possa ser sempre frequentemente monitorizada...
    De qualquer das formas... sempre que me for possível... será um prazer imenso continuar a vir aqui... e continuar a conhecer, tantas coisas lindas do seu país, RT!
    Um beijinho grande! Tudo de bom! E já ansiando pelo seu próximo post... pois claro!... :-)

  22. Tes photos sont fabuleuses et tu es vraiment rayonnante ! Comme tu le sais, le pays d'Heidi c'est tout ce que j'affectionne donc je suis totalement sous le charme de tes photos. J'espère que tu vas bien ? Bisous :)

  23. Really interesting! Thanks a lot for sharing)

  24. Olá! Adorei o post! Tudo maravilhoso! Vou voltar aqui para ver as novidades! Beijinho e tudo de bom!

  25. This looks utterly delicious, and I’ve saved the recipe so I can give it a try.
    I’ve never come across sachets of vanilla sugar, but Google tells me I can replace it with 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. I don’t think it would work in this case as it would make the caster sugar damp and clumpy, so I’m wondering if it would be possible to add it to the batter. I must give it some thought.

    This comment should be on your latest post but I was unable to leave it without signing up to something called netvibes. I’ve done that but now it will only let me leave it on this post. Perhaps you aren't accepting comments anymore?


Hello ladies and gents,
Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on The Reader's Tales website. I truly appreciate your comments and do my best to respond as soon as possible.