
Monday, 5 September 2016

Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho (1998)

Twenty-four-year-old Veronika seems to have everything - youth and beauty, boyfriends and a loving family, a fulfilling job. But something is missing in her life. So, one cold November morning, she takes a handful of sleeping pills expecting never to wake up. But she does - at a mental hospital - where she is told that she has only days to live.
Inspired by events in Coelho’s own life, Veronika Decides to Die questions the meaning of madness and celebrates individuals who do not fit into patterns society considers to be normal.

Author: Paulo Coelho, was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1947. He is one of the best-selling and most influential authors in the world. He writes great books and became known worldwide thanks to “The Alchemist” which was on the New York Times bestseller list for many months. His books have been translated into 80 languages and sold in more than 168 countries. Paulo Coelho has been a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters since 2002, and, in 2007, he was appointed United Nations Messenger of Peace. He is also the most followed author on social media.
Paulo Coelho lives in Switzerland and my dear friend F. (who follows my blog) met him through his job and has had all of his Paulo Coelho's books signed by the author, with whom he has become acquainted. Some people are really lucky.  Seriously!

My thoughts: I read this book in August in the original version which I bought during the summer holidays at the Lisbon Book Fair... I could not rest until I had read it. Yes, I love Paulo Coelho and recommend that you discover his literary works.
I found this book surprisingly fresh and full of hilarious passages of humour, all the more so as the theme of the book is suicide. This is the story of Veronika, a young Slovenian librarian who rents a room in a convent in front of Ljubljana Square. Tired of her monotonous, empty and meaningless life, one day Veronika decides to commit suicide with sleeping pills, but fails. She wakes up in a mental asylum named Villete, a place from which no one had ever escaped, famous for its abuse and ill-treatment of patients. The institution was full of a mix of genuinely insane patients, sent there by the courts or by other hospitals, people accused of madness and those who feigned insanity.
In this hospital, we find endearing characters: Dr. Igor, who dyes his hair and moustache black and wants to discover a cure for madness that will bring him medical recognition and success. Mari, the mature white haired lawyer, who is part of the “Fraternidade” (Brotherhood). Eduard, a young and handsome schizophrenic who likes to listen to Veronika playing the piano. Zedka, who is Veronika's best friend at the sanatorium....But I'll stop here... suspense... Will she regain her health? Will she live? Will she find the joy of living once out of this place? This is a rather spiritual and wise story.


  1. Gracias por la reseña , aunque yo intente leer el libro y no me gusto mucho. Te mando un beso

    1. Hola preciosa! Gracias por compartir tu opinión! Un beso :)

  2. O tema da eutanásia, o tema de trabalho de final de estágio de advocacia que escolhi.
    E que me deu muito gozo pesquisar.
    Boa semana

    1. Muito obrigada por compartilhar. Desejo-lhe uma ótima semana! 

  3. Deve ser um livro muito interessante apesar de não ser um dos meus autores de referência.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  4. Never heard of this author, nor the book, until now.
    Your friend is a lucky guy. Lol

    1. Then I'm happy to make you discover Paulo Coelho. Yes, F. is lucky!

  5. Another one for my rapidly growing "to read" list....

    1. I know how it feels... I also have a long list of books to read. So many books, so little time.

  6. Ooh I can relate to this story. I'd love to read it. Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. You’re welcome :) Quite impossible to put down, Monica.

  7. J'ai beaucoup aimé l'alchimiste. Cette histoire paraît captivante, j'enregistre la suggestion. Bonne soirée à toi ma belle. Xxx Chantal

    1. Salut Chantal! Je suis heureuse que tu as aimé cette histoire ! Bises

  8. This book sounds like a wonderful read! Thanks for the review ♥

    1. Welcome to my personal blog!!
      Well Summer, I'm glad you liked it :) I did really enjoy it - I only review books that I truly adore. Life is too short to read bad books!

  9. A definite must read. Thanks for sharing. :)

    XoXo Noma

    1. Welcome to my personal blog, Noma! I hope you stay awhile!
      I'm glad I read VDTD, I really did enjoy it :)

  10. Passando para te conhecer.
    Os livros de Paulo Coelho são maravilhosos e este não deve ficar para trás.

    Tânia Camargo

    1. Seja muito bem vinda e prazer em conhecê-la. Obrigado pela visita, Tânia :)

  11. This book sounds fascinating and mainly because I can imagine the strong characters found in mental asylum. It can be refreshing when humour is brought into such dark topics, I agree. Funnily enough, I think I've seen a film with this name before many years ago? I wonder if it was at all based on this book, hmm... anyway, brilliant (and very interesting) review!

    1. Hello Gaby! I am not aware of a movie based on this novel...
      Anyway, I find this book witty, inspiring, amusing, eye-opening.... really a great surprise ;)

  12. Que bom poder encontrar um pouco de Paulo Coelho por aqui. Tenho orgulho de saber que Paulo Coelho é um escritor, letrista e jornalista brasileiro. Embora muitas pessoas não admirar o seu trabalho. Eu o admiro, e gosto de tudo que ele escreve. Gostei muito de ler 'O alquimista' e tantos outros de sua autoria. Mais foi “O alquimista” que transformou Paulo Coelho num dos maiores fenômenos literários, e foi esse trabalho que o deixou conhecido... Veronika Decide Morrer por Paulo Coelho (1998) Excelente. Adorei!
    Obrigada pela leitura.
    Uma boa semana!

    1. Olá Smareis, muito obrigada pela sua carinhosa mensagem. Como você, eu li e gostei muito do "O Alquimista" mas o meu preferido foi "Na margem do rio Piedra eu sentei e chorei". "A Veronika decide morrer" também é excelente, acho que você vai gostar.
      Um abraço para si e uma óptima semana!

  13. Nice review. I have yet to read Mr. Coelho's books, though I know he is famous. I must discover his works. Which of his novels have you liked best? I hope Ms. Veronika gets her sense of purpose and life back !

    1. To reassure you, Yes, Veronika will find meaning to her life and understand that life is a gift. So many people are struggling to survive while she was wasting her precious life. She learns to have the most legitimate of the ambition, aspire to be happy!

      My favourite book of Paulo Coelho is "By the River Piedra I sat Down and Wept"

      I wish you a nice trip this evening. I miss the Basque Country, this region really does have it all!

  14. I have not read this author though of course I know of him. This one appeals to me more than others I have come across.


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