
Wednesday, 23 December 2015

2 days to go before Christmas!

This will probably be my look for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This lovely mint pullover, a gift from my mum, and these white pants. Comfortable, simple and fresh.

Reader’s Look:
Pullover: Mum's Christmas gift
Jewellery: clover earrings and ring
Loose pants: Alberto Bini
High heels shoes: Bagatt

Have a mellow Wednesday!


  1. Oh please, I beg you... come and give me a fashion makeover! Love that green.

    1. Ohhh Monica, I don't know anything about fashion and trends, I just like things I feel comfortable with and enjoy... beyond fashion! Besides that, a beauty like you shines by your natural beauty, intelligence and kindness ;-)
      Christmas is right around the corner, but there's so much to do least, we currently have great weather inSwitzerland! I hope things are fine and stress free on your side ;-)


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