
Wednesday, 30 December 2015

The New Year's Eve dress

Tomorrow, we are at the end of another year! So we will celebrate, laugh, play and have fun. Put the champagne on ice, prepare 12 grapes, think of your 12 wishes and put on your outfit to rock the world...

For New Year's Eve, I always like to get dressed completely in white for good luck. This year I will break this ritual since I will put on this Bordeaux dress. I think this dress shines by its elegance and simplicity.

When I found this silk Bordeaux dress at Tattoo (some fifteen years back) I thought it was perfect! But I did not wear it for that New Year’s Eve, as I got sick and had to stay in bed. I have only worn it on one occasion since then. For some time now, it has been stored in my wardrobe...

Still as beautiful as the first day, I will wear it with jewels and these new ballerinas by Zilian.

What about you? Are you going to wear a new outfit or take something from your wardrobe? I am eager to read your thoughts!


  1. You do the 12 grape tradition too! In Venezuela my eyes were opened to lots of new traditions - such as running around the pool with a suitcase meaning there'll be travel in the new year ;-)

    1. Yes, It is part and parcel of an ancient Mediterranean tradition, this is not a Swiss tradition.
      I have never been to Venezuela...It seems a fabulous country and this tradition is amazing isn't it! Thank you for sharing! Lots of love!

  2. It is a beautiful dress and the shoes match it so well! Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog, and I appreciate them in French, too, because I am bilingual! :) I hope that 2016 (and always) will be wonderful for you!


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