
Monday, 15 August 2016

My Birthday…

My birthday weekend came and went in a flash. I had a fantastic birthday... I'm getting older...

I have always loved my birthdays and I still love birthday parties! We always have reason to celebrate if we are happy and healthy and have support from our family and friends.

When I was little, I could not sleep on the eve of my birthday; such was my excitement in anticipation of the following day.

Now that I'm an adult, I retain this same enthusiasm, even if my family lives far away and my birthday falls during the summer holiday period. To me it does not matter if we are six or twenty at the party.

The day started with birthday emails from friends living abroad, a call from my mum wishing me wonderful things... hugs and kisses from Sweetheart, birthday cards in the mail box.

In the evening, we had a simple buffet entirely prepared by me (with the exception of my birthday cake which I had ordered from Jean-Luc Guerraz). The table was decorated with DIY artifacts, candles and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. 

The food was delicious and the guests showed up with their best smiles. The music was great and the night was filled with good vibes.

My addiction for little white dresses and ballerinas never wears off with age…witness my birthday outfit

Champagne and the “Fraisier” birthday cake

There will be always flowers to embellish the day

When I was younger, I wondered how my life would turn out later. I had no idea of what the future held for me. I look at my life now and, even though it is not what I had imagined, I feel grateful and happy.

I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by extraordinary friends, even if they are few in number. Professionally, I have achieved all my goals, even though I have never been a “career girl”. Now, I just want to have time for myself and not to lead a stressful life like I used to…

Finally, keeping this blog as a hobby has been so exciting. I enjoy sharing things I truly adore with people from all ages, horizons and countries.

Lots of Love


  1. Happy Birthday!!!! I'm glad you had a wonderful day, the food you made for the party looks absolutely delicious! The cake is beautiful.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, I enjoyed reading your comment on how you created your blog name. It's nice to be able to share the things we enjoy. Have a great week.

    1. You see, if I had to write about my name. I would have had to write a whole page to explain my Nordic name, and my tropical origins.
      Kelly, I thank you for your visit and your kind words.

  2. May this year bring you many new wonderful adventures. I'm not good with white clothing as my skin is so pale. I have an event next week though where the dress code is all white... not too sure how to go about it. :-)

    1. Monica, Thank you so very much for all of your support, your kindness, right from the beginning of my blog.... As always, I sincerely appreciate your genuine opinion.

      It's true that with your pale skin, white clothes do not suit you. Wear imposing and colorful accessories... that always works. Have a great event.

  3. Ainda que tarde e a más horas, um beijinho de parabéns.
    Boa semana

    1. Ohhhhhh que gentleman... Nunca é tarde demais para dar os parabéns. Boa semana Pedro.

  4. En retard pour cette année, Joyeux anniversaire <333
    Très jolie fête d'anniversaire, ma belle! Ton buffet m'inspire j'adore tous les petits détails mignons que tu as mis, tu as beaucoup de goût...Ce fraisier est très réussi et je ferais un saut chez Guerraz... Et c’est vrai qu’elle est sublime cette robe!
    Gros bisous Chantal <333

    1. Salut ma chère Chantal... Je te remercie pour tes belles paroles. Tiens-moi au courant pour Guerraz.
      Changeant de sujet, si tu aimes les fleurs, fais un saut chez Carrefour, leurs bouquets de fleurs sont magnifiques et durent longtemps et ne sont pas chers. Bises et bonne semaine.

  5. I love wine & tapas. Those are a mouth-watering dishes which you served for your weekend birthday party. With its romantic vibe and girly tones, you, little girl, have excellent taste. Congratulations.

    1. Charles, if you knew my age, you wouldn't call me "little girl"... Anyway, it's cute, and it's true that I like girly things (flowers, ribbons, lace...)
      Thank you for your visit and your nice comment.

  6. Happy belated birthday! What a wonderful spread you put on! The empanadas and the salmon look particularly enticing - I wish I could have tasted them!

    1. Ohhhh, thank you so much...You know, these Empanaditas and Folhado de Salmon are so easy to make...
      Enjoy the sunshine because tomorrow he decides to not show its face!

  7. Muitos parabéns minha amiga e o menu devia estar delicioso.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

    1. Obrigada caro amigo Francisco,
      Eu adoro cozinhar, é só ter um motivo para fazer coisas boas.
      Obrigada pela visita tenha uma óptima semana.

  8. Parabéns! Desejamos muitas alegrias e muitas felicidades. A festa estava linda cheia de coisas boas.
    Tenha uma ótima semana.

    1. Olá Anajá,
      Realmente passamos um bom momento, foi uma festa íntima com meus amigos, pratos simples, mas saborosos preparados em casa. Momentos que enchem a alma de alegria.
      Obrigada pela visita tenha uma óptima semana.

  9. Happy belated birthday! What a great peek into your special day. I love your enthusiasm on celebrating your birthday. : ) Clearly, you have such a positive energy and the people who got to celebrate with you and enjoy that wonderful spread are very lucky! Many, many happy returns to you!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words, dear Monica :)
      You know, I am full of enthusiasm when it comes to prepare things for my friends. After all, friends are a second family.

  10. Happy Happy Birthday!! Another Leo? My birthday is tomorrow. I have so many Leos in my life, it is beyond belief. I am glad I have you even if it is only through the internet!

    1. So tomorrow there will be this delicious chocolate cake...Mmmmmmmm
      I am flattered by your words. Thank you Judy.
      I have always admired your writing skills. And you are such a fabulous story teller! That is why I love checking out your book reviews. Unfortunately for me, my "must read" list is long (it's your fault...hahaha)

  11. Oh joyeux anniversaire ma belle ! Cette table est jolie comme tout (et délicieuse aussi !) et ta tenue est vraiment ravissante. Tu as du passer un très bon moment et c'est important d'être heureuse dans sa vie. Bises :)

    1. Merci beaucoup Caro, tu es trop chou :)  Oui, j'ai passé un bon moment. Ce fût un dîner très intime très relaxant avec mes amis. Des plats simples mais savoureux préparés à la maison... Bises

  12. What a nice post! Happy belated birthday. Your blog is fun. I like your travels & thoughts. Many happy years ahead!

    1. Oh, thank you so much Susan. I'm glad you like it.
      It's a pleasure to have you here. ;-)))


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