
Monday, 29 August 2016

My Favourites

Hello ladies, hope you are not to sad now that the holiday season comes to an end. Honestly, I am excited to welcome September…

For today, it is an article composed of a small selection of beauty products/cosmetics that I truly adore. Clarins remains my favourite brand since my eighteens but from time to time, I let myself be tempted by new products.

Notably, Melrose Skincare-Multipurpose Skin. This British efficient cream/balm is not known by the majority of you. It is to be applied on the rough skin, for inflamed, sore, flaky, painful split heels and for softening hard skin. It is through Sweetheart I discovered it because the women in his family use it.

Jean-Pierre Rosselet, a fabulous peeling mask (exfoliation and nourishing mask) – I will review it soon. 

Caudalie The Elixir serum (review done on May 20th).

Chanel n°5 which I have been using over a year now, has the most sublime scents.

As I do not wear make-up, a lipstick is all I need. I love the Rose Envy by Estée Lauder. For a touch of fantasy this Brazilian Andreia red nails polish.

Last but not least, because I love books, this tiny cute book is full of truth; it has practical advice to learn how to seduce, after all seduction is the first step to find love. I have offered it to a friend of mine, a heart to take. Fingers crossed that it works…In the picture it says Do not fear failure…

Et voilà. I wish you a gorgeous week.


  1. adoro ese perfume , te deseo una buena semana

  2. O eterno Chanel nº 5.
    Dá sempre resultado quando se quer encantar uma mulher.
    Boa semana

    1. Por acaso foi um presente do meu amado. Boa semana :)

  3. Alors, est-ce que tu vas mieux ma jolie?
    Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de Melrose, il n'est pas en vente ici par hasard?
    Comme c'est Choupinet ! Le tout petit livre :D  Bisous et bonne semaine. Xxx Chantal

    1. Ohhhh merci Chantal...oui je vais beaucoup mieux :) Écoute, je pense qu'on ne trouve pas Melrose en Suisse.
      Bises et bonne semaine :)

  4. It is a little sad to see summer drift away, though like you I'm becoming pretty excited about the Autumn season now (hey, it means we're one step closer to Christmas!). Gorgeous choice of perfume, you've picked such an elegant signature scent to have been wearing this past year :)

    1. I completely agree with you, Gaby. Autumn is my favourite season and I am the biggest fan of Christmas.
      Have a lovely week :)

  5. Olá,
    belas dicas para ser feliz.
    Bjos tenha ótima semana.

  6. I see you like some of the classics. I'd like to try some of the Melrose cream for my dry skin. Seems I'm losing moisture as I get older.

    1. Melrose is a great cream, but not easy to find outside of the UK. Try to see in Australia - the next time you go home. :)

    2. And... love the red nail polish too!

  7. A classy girl always uses the perfect fragrance to attract a mate.

  8. What a great list of favourites! I used to love Chanel #19! :)

    1. Oh thank you so much for sticking around. It's lovely to have you back.

  9. Respondiendo a tu pregunta si es mi novela , te mando un abrazo

  10. Such a fun post. Love seeing others' favorite picks!

  11. Oh, Chanel No 5 is such a classic!


  12. Dire que je n'ai jamais testé le célèbre n°5 de Chanel, il va falloir que j'y remédie ! Merci pour cette revue ma belle. Bises :)

    1. Honte à toi, Caro....Hahaha. Merci beaucoup et bonne nuit :)


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