
Sunday, 12 July 2015

About Me

Welcome everyone!

Since childhood one of the things I prefer is to read. It is a pleasure to discover the universe of various writers, each reading brings something different, nourishes me. I am not an expert in literature; I have no training in this field. I am the kind to fall in love at first sight with a book. I look at the cover; I leaf through the pages and read passages at random. If curiosity and magic operate, I take it home.
I like to share my reading with others; family, friends, and colleagues. So, I decided to create this space, to share the information. I will review my oldest and latest reads, so you can decide if you would like to read them too. It will be a kind of diary, a virtual album.

I enjoy both fiction and nonfiction. In fiction I like mysteries and romance. In nonfiction I love historical novels, biographies and memoirs, but I don’t limit myself to those categories; I’m very willing to read about other topics if the writing is engaging.

Furthermore, thanks to all my close friends who have appreciated my recipes as well as pieces of advice for many years, I gained confidence and realised that I could do more and turned this awareness into a hobby by having my own blog! Writing and photography - it's a lot of work, but still I love it. Learning and improving every day put a smile on my face!

I like:  dense rainforest and seaside. I love flowers and animals, I am passionate about music and books (but that you know already), pretty dresses, afternoon tea, boutique hotels, artisanal beer, ginger salted butter caramel, rum baba, baby odour, family life, pretty pictures, butterflies….

I like less: Text messages - I prefer to see people in order to talk to them, rudeness, jealousy, envy and bad language (feelings that I do not know and do not understand)….

My philosophy
Put everything you’ve got in whatever you do.

My favourite quote
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

My favourite fashion quote
"Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever." - Ralph Lauren

Since I am not sponsored, I will be free to give you my personal and honest opinion and tell my experience in the first person, because the main purpose of these posts is to share information and tips on "things" we ladies enjoy!

If you want to be part of this group, ask my advice, share an idea, please send me a message - I will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.

Thanks for visiting!
With love from Switzerland

All texts and photographs on this blog are copyrighted©2015. The Reader’s Tales. Please don’t use any work without my prior permission. Thank you!


  1. Jolies choses, recette des muffins (je vais essayer) ainsi que le cocktail 😋
    J'adore ta tunique 😊
    Les photos sont simplement magnifiques 👍👏

  2. Merci pour ces mots gentils!
    Je suis contente de faire découvrir ce cocktail et de partager cette recette de muffins sains et délicieux, très facile à réaliser...
    La tunique vient de la boutique O-Top qui a des vêtements et accessoires magnifiques à petit prix...donc chics sans se ruiner.
    Bonne journée!

  3. Superbe lifestyle blog! Bravo pour vos excellents articles et photos.

    1. Merci beaucoup, j'ai beaucoup de plaisir à faire ce blog malgré le manque de temps ;-)

  4. Such a lovely post! Really well-written…some superb photos here…I really appreciate the time and effort you reply to your followers. Thank you very much.
    XXX Chantal

    1. Thanks so much, I really appreciate you reading my blog (it's nice to know your thoughts!) Hope to see you again ;-)

  5. Congratulations on your fabulous blog

    1. That is extremely kind of you to say so, thank you! I've promised myself I'll only allow quality content and beautiful pictures to appear in this little space of mine. So lovely to have you here.

  6. Hi! I am glad to have found your blog, it is good to know more about Geneve, such a beautiful city and now so close to me :)

    1. Hello Gabi and welcome to my personal blog, made with love, and is also a window for new things... things that I cherish.

  7. Hi RT… My name is Rebecca from Germany and I currently live in Switzerland. I saw your article posted on the Hôtel Rotary MGallery Facebook’s page (Where to stay in Geneva) and got interested, so I checked out your blog. I’ve been scrolling through many of your posts - I think you have a great blog - I've just signed up to your blog.
    You don't have Facebook and Instagram account, by any chance??

    1. Dear Rebecca, it is so nice that you have checked my little corner. I am so flattered you took the time to read my "About Me" and to scroll through many of my blog posts. That is really kind...
      I try to do my best - most of my posts are pre-agended once a week for the coming week, but I do check my blog once a day. So THANK YOU for being here and for your subscription. BTW, I love your profile photo - that horse looks awesome.
      No, I don't have either a Facebook or an Instagram account, nor do I plan to get one.

  8. Hello from Texas! I'm Linda from Linda's Life Journal. I noticed you commented on my blog post so I wanted to come over and meet you! Oh, Switzerland!!! How perfectly wonderful! I'm looking forward to following your beautiful blog!

    1. Hello Linda, thank you for your thoughts and I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. My primary goal with this blog is to share my lifestyle and I write stories about topics that matter to me (useful information about Switzerland, books, travel, recipes and beauty products... Once again, thank you and I hope to see you in here again -  I try to keep to about 2 per week.


Hello ladies and gents,
Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on The Reader's Tales website. I truly appreciate your comments and do my best to respond as soon as possible.